1. What is the English word for Gungjeon?

2. It is palace.
3. It is a palace.
4. It is 'palace'.
5. It is 'palace.'

[Which answer is grammatical?]

English - Reed Monday, November 20, 2017 at 1:25am
It is"palace".
6. It is "palace."
7. It is "palace".
8. It is palace. [Suppose that palace is in Italic. I cannot express the word in Italic here.]
Are they all possible? Is only #7 correct?

#5 will work okay, but Reed is right that the word really needs to be in italics.

It is palace.

All of the answers from 2 to 8 could be considered grammatically correct, depending on the context and style guidelines being followed. It ultimately comes down to the specific rules of punctuation and formatting being used.

However, if you are following standard English punctuation and formatting guidelines, answer number 7 is the most commonly accepted form. In this case, the word "palace" is enclosed in quotation marks, which is the standard way of indicating that you are referring to the word itself.

Answer number 6 is also acceptable, as it follows the same principle of using quotation marks to highlight the word. However, including the period inside the quotation marks is not the standard practice in most style guides.

Answer number 8 is generally not considered correct, as italicizing the word "palace" would be the preferred method of indicating emphasis or referring to the word itself in a text.

In summary, both answer options 6 and 7 can be considered correct, but answer 7 is more commonly accepted and follows standard English punctuation guidelines.