Sam's birthday is 186 days after Jim's birthday. Susan's is 24 days after Jim's. Sam was born on September 6th. What day was Susan born on if it wasn't a leap year?

looks like an exercise in counting forwards and backwards, knowing how many days there are in each month.

The anwser is she was born on the 273 day which is October 1.

Well, there are 365 days in a year, as you well know. I would either go on a search engine and google, what number day of the year is September 6th, or by counting on a calendar, find how many days there are between September 6th and December 31st, and subtract that from 365 to find what number day of the year September 6th is. Then, just add 24!

Hope I helped! :-)

December 27

To find out the day Susan was born on, we need to determine Jim's birthday first. We know that Sam's birthday is 186 days after Jim's birthday and Susan's is 24 days after Jim's.

Let's start by calculating Jim's birthday:

Since Sam's birthday is 186 days after Jim's, we can subtract 186 from September 6th:

September 6th - 186 days = March 4th

Now that we know Jim's birthday is on March 4th, we can calculate Susan's birthday:

Since Susan's birthday is 24 days after Jim's, we can add 24 days to March 4th:

March 4th + 24 days = March 28th

Therefore, Susan was born on March 28th.