Could you give me a website on how to write in cursive?

Go to the 2nd or the 3rd link. Skip the first one!


Certainly! A helpful website for learning how to write in cursive is This website provides interactive lessons and practice sheets for mastering cursive handwriting. To access the cursive writing resources, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
2. Type "" in the address bar at the top of the browser.
3. Press Enter or click on the search button to load the website.
4. Once the website loads, navigate to the "Cursive" section. This can typically be found in the menu or as a separate tab on the homepage.
5. Within the cursive section, you will find various lessons and printable practice sheets that demonstrate how to form cursive letters and words.
6. Click on the lesson or topic you are interested in to begin learning and practicing cursive writing.

Remember to have a pen or pencil and some paper ready to practice along with the lessons. Happy learning!