in what way are the Declaration of Independence, written by George Campbell childress, and the U.S. Declaration of independence similar.

A. Both declarations' opening statements declare the independence of the nation. ***

B. both declarations describe intolerable actions engaged by the mother country against its people.

C. Both declaration recount their grievances against King George III for torturing their people.

D. Both declaration disagree with unfair British taxes and demanded independence from King George III.

Yes, A.

Thank you

TTuess deos nut huelp

only so you can check please

a and b
b and c

To determine the correct answer, we need to compare the similarities between the Declaration of Independence written by George Campbell Childress and the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

The U.S. Declaration of Independence, written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, was adopted on July 4, 1776, by the Continental Congress. It announced the independence of the thirteen colonies from British rule and served as a formal declaration of their intentions. It outlined the grievances against King George III, emphasizing the colonists' rights and their desire for freedom and self-governance.

On the other hand, the Declaration of Independence written by George Campbell Childress was adopted on March 2, 1836, by the delegates at the Convention of 1836 in Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas. This document declared Texas's independence from Mexico and served as the foundation for the creation of the Republic of Texas.

Now, let's evaluate the answer choices in light of these historical facts:

A. Both declarations' opening statements declare the independence of the nation.
This statement matches both the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of Independence written by George Campbell Childress. They both begin by declaring the independence of their respective nations. Therefore, this answer choice could be correct.

B. Both declarations describe intolerable actions engaged by the mother country against its people.
This statement may apply to the U.S. Declaration of Independence, as it outlines the colonists' grievances against Great Britain. However, it is not necessarily true for the Declaration of Independence written by George Campbell Childress in the context of Texas declaring independence from Mexico.

C. Both declarations recount their grievances against King George III for torturing their people.
This statement specifically refers to the U.S. Declaration of Independence, which lists grievances against King George III, but it does not apply to the Declaration of Independence written by George Campbell Childress.

D. Both declarations disagree with unfair British taxes and demanded independence from King George III.
While this statement accurately describes the grievances outlined in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, it does not pertain to the Declaration of Independence written by George Campbell Childress.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is A. Both declarations' opening statements declare the independence of the nation.

You're welcome.

only so you can check, please

you had written it wrong, please learn from your mistake