can someone help me i need citasisom to help me get past this writers block. The Adventures Of The Dragon Of Light

By Michael Evatt
"It was a dark and stormy night, his mother ran into the cave. She is about to have her baby but she was pursued by people, people on do wish her destroyed. She looked around there was no one to help her, or so she thought. All of a sudden a light shined down from nowhere she looked up and saw the baby's father. He picked her up in his arms and flew away." " And then what happened?" Asked Miller? " hold on I'm getting their child" said Ruth. " and then it's over no one knows what happens after that." " Why not the story was just getting good" cried Miller! " because child when he flew off he blinded everyone so no one could see where he went" said Ruth " and now child it's time for you to go to bed."
But neither one of them new the child the mother was carrying was headed this way."

"i need citasisom" == ??

Please clarify what you need.


oops sorry typo i ment to say criticism

The Adventures Of The Dragon Of Light

By Michael Evatt
"It was a dark and stormy night, his mother ran into the cave. She is about to have her baby but she was pursued by people, people on do wish her destroyed. She looked around there was no one to help her, or so she thought. All of a sudden a light shined down from nowhere she looked up and saw the baby's father. He picked her up in his arms and flew away." " And then what happened?" Asked Miller? " hold on I'm getting their child" said Ruth. " and then it's over no one knows what happens after that." " Why not the story was just getting good" cried Miller! " because child when he flew off he blinded everyone so no one could see where he went" said Ruth " and now child it's time for you to go to bed."
But neither one of them new the child the mother was carrying was headed this way."

"It was a dark and stormy night, his mother ran into the cave. She is about to have her baby but she was pursued by people, people on do wish her destroyed. She looked around there was no one to help her, or so she thought. All of a sudden a light shined down from nowhere she looked up and saw the baby's father. He picked her up in his arms and flew away." " And then what happened?" Asked Miller? " hold on I'm getting their child" said Ruth. " and then it's over no one knows what happens after that." " Why not the story was just getting good" cried Miller! " because child when he flew off he blinded everyone so no one could see where he went" said Ruth " and now child it's time for you to go to bed."

But neither one of them new the child the mother was carrying was headed this way."

Is this a book, short story, or movie?

I can find no reference to it on google.

It is a book im writing.

Your first eight words are the classic awful way to begin a story.

Your lack of punctuation and spelling errors make the story difficult to read.

Who is Miller? Who is Ruth?

What child?

This is the begining of the the story you will find out more about them later in the story. as for the other stuff thank you ill start to make changes.

You also need to start a new paragraph each time a different character speaks.

I hope you have a plan or outline for yourself so you know where you're headed with this. Otherwise, it's like wandering in the wilderness (no map)!
Every story that is worth reading follows something like Freytag's pyramid in here. Once in a great while, a successful story varies a bit (such as leaving off the denouement or even the falling action and denouement, such as in "The Lady or the Tiger?").

I'm sorry to hear that you're facing writer's block. While I can't directly give you inspiration or ideas, I can certainly provide you some tips to help you overcome writer's block. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Take a break and recharge: Sometimes, stepping away from your writing for a little while can help refresh your mind and allow new ideas to flow. Engage in activities you enjoy or spend time in nature. When you return to your writing, you may find yourself with a fresh perspective.

2. Freewriting: Set aside some time to write without any specific goal or topic in mind. Just let your thoughts flow onto the page without judgment or self-editing. This can help unlock your creativity and generate new ideas.

3. Change your environment: If you usually write in the same location, try moving to a different space. A change of scenery can stimulate your creativity and break the monotony.

4. Seek inspiration: Read books, watch movies, listen to music, or engage in any form of art that inspires you. Exposure to different ideas and creative works can spark your imagination and help you overcome writer's block.

5. Create a writing routine: Establish a consistent writing routine and make it a habit. By dedicating regular time for writing, your brain will become accustomed to the process and be more likely to produce creative ideas.

6. Collaborate or discuss with others: Share your ideas or work with fellow writers or friends who can provide feedback or suggest new perspectives. Sometimes, discussing your writing with others can help you overcome blocks and generate fresh ideas.

Remember, writer's block is a common challenge that many writers face. It's important to be patient and kind to yourself during this process. Good luck with your writing!