Please reference the illustration at screenshots<dot>firefox<dot>com/Cl7zsk8ZAmzCoMDM/brilliant<dot>org to answer the following question:

The Pharaoh would like to cover the lateral sides of his square pyramid with the finest marble. In order to save the cost of construction, the builder tries to reduce the exposed surface area of the pyramid as much as possible.

What is the angle of inclination Θ(in degrees) that minimizes the exposed surface area given a constant volume of the pyramid?

Ok, I saw you diagram, a pyramid with a square base of sides a, and height h, with h1 as the height of each of the 4 triangles.

given :
(1/3) a^2 h = V, where V is a constant
h = 3V/a^2

SA = total surface area covered by marble
= 4(1/2) a h1 = 2(a)(h1)

I can also see that : h1^2 = a^2 /4 + h^2
h1^2 = a^2 /4 + 9V^2/a^4
= (a^6 + 36V^2)/(4a^4)
h1 = (a^6 + 36V^2)^(1/2) / (2a^2)

SA = 2a (a^6 + 36V^2)^(1/2) /(2a^2)
= (a^6 + 36V^2)^(1/2) /a

getting there ...... take d(SA)/da by quotient rule:
SA' = (a (1/2)(a^6 + 36v^2)^(-1/2)(6a^5) - (a^6 + 36V^2)(1) )/a^2
= 0
3a^6/√(a^6 + 36V^2) = √(a^6 + 36V^2)
3a^6 = a^6 + 36V^2
2a^6 = 36V^2
a^6 = 18V^2
a^3 = 3√2 V
V = a^3/ 3√2 BUT from above V = a^2 h/3

a^3/3√2 = a^2 h/3

a/√2 = h

and now for the finale .... drumroll -------

tanØ = h/(a/2) = 2h/a
= 2(a/√2) / a
= 2/√2 or √2

Ø = appr 54.7°

I sure hope I didn't make some silly arithmetic error

I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to view or access external content such as screenshots or specific webpages. However, I can still provide a general explanation of how to solve the problem based on the information you provided.

To find the angle of inclination (θ) that minimizes the exposed surface area of a square pyramid, given a constant volume, you would need to consider the relationship between the different dimensions of the pyramid and use calculus to optimize the surface area function.

Let's assume the square pyramid has a base side length of 's' and a height of 'h'. To find the angle of inclination that minimizes the surface area, the first step is to express the surface area as a function of the angle (θ).

The surface area of a square pyramid consists of the area of the base and the sum of the areas of the four triangular faces. The area of each triangular face can be calculated as 0.5 * base * height, where the base is the side length of the base square and the height is the slant height of the triangular face.

Using trigonometry, we can express the slant height, denoted as 'l', in terms of the base side length 's' and the angle of inclination 'θ':
l = s / cos(θ)

The surface area of the pyramid, denoted as 'A', can be calculated as:
A = s^2 + 2 * s * l

Since we are keeping the volume constant, the volume (V) of the pyramid is expressed as:
V = (1/3) * s^2 * h

We can solve the equation for 'h' and substitute it back into the surface area equation, expressing 'A' as a function of 's' and 'θ' only.

Once you have the surface area equation in terms of 's' and 'θ', you can differentiate it with respect to 'θ' and set the derivative equal to zero to find the critical points. Solving for 'θ' at these points will give you the angle of inclination that minimizes the surface area.

Please note that without the specific dimensions of the pyramid or any additional information, I can only provide a general explanation of the approach to solve the problem.