Identity and list at least five each.

1.major local civil problem
2.major world civil problem

I know nothing about YOUR local problems.

These sites give a lot of information about world problems.

Do mean civil as in being civil to one another of civil as in construction (engineering).


To identify major local and world civil problems, you can start by gathering information from reliable sources such as news articles, reports, or research studies that discuss social issues and challenges faced by communities. Here are five examples of major local and world civil problems:

Major Local Civil Problems:
1. Homelessness: Research local news sources or data from government agencies to understand the extent of homelessness in your community. Identify factors contributing to homelessness, such as lack of affordable housing, unemployment, or mental health issues.

2. Education inequality: Investigate the education system in your local area, looking for disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes among different socioeconomic groups. Look for data on the achievement gap, underfunded schools, or limited access to quality education.

3. Racial or ethnic discrimination: Examine incidents or patterns of discrimination based on race or ethnicity in your community. This could include cases of racial profiling, unequal treatment by law enforcement, or disparities in employment and housing opportunities.

4. Environmental degradation: Research local environmental issues, such as pollution, deforestation, or water scarcity. Investigate the causes and consequences of environmental problems in your area to understand their impact on the community's well-being.

5. Substance abuse and addiction: Look into the prevalence of substance abuse and addiction in your local area. Research factors contributing to this issue, such as lack of access to healthcare, socioeconomic challenges, or peer pressure. Identify local resources and initiatives aimed at tackling this problem.

Major World Civil Problems:
1. Poverty: Examine global poverty rates and the causes behind it, such as unemployment, lack of education, or political instability. Research global initiatives and organizations focused on poverty alleviation and sustainable development.

2. Climate change: Investigate the global impact of climate change, including rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and loss of biodiversity. Look into global efforts like the Paris Agreement and sustainable practices aimed at mitigating climate change.

3. Human rights violations: Explore cases of human rights abuses worldwide, such as forced labor, human trafficking, or political repression. Research global organizations and campaigns dedicated to protecting human rights and bringing perpetrators to justice.

4. Global healthcare disparities: Research access to healthcare and healthcare outcomes in different regions of the world. Investigate factors contributing to healthcare disparities, such as poverty, inadequate infrastructure, or limited access to medicines.

5. Conflict and war: Examine ongoing conflicts and wars around the world, investigating the root causes and consequences on affected communities. Look into international efforts towards conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and promoting human security.

Remember, this is just a starting point, and civil problems can vary depending on location, time, and context. Stay informed by regularly seeking credible sources and engaging with local communities or international organizations working in these areas.