Hi. I need help understanding how to do this assignment. The assignment is called practice evaluation: Here is the description: I need to collect data and analyze data. The paper will describe

1.the area of practice took and why this tool was used to get her information,
2. Describe the evaluation tool and why this tool was used to gather information,
3.decribe the information gained/results(include graphs or other tools that will help the reader)
4.discuss the usefulness of the results and limitation of the study.

So, my group survey is about students learning about personal space and I will be using likert scale. I need to do 50 survey. Like 5x10. How can I get 50 when the students were only 17? How can I start this assignment? Thank you.

1:describe the area of practice that was evaluated,

2:describe the evaluation tool and why this tool was used to gather information. I felt I needed to rewrite part 1&2 because of a mispelling. Thank you.

To start this assignment, you will need to collect and analyze data related to students' learning about personal space using a Likert scale. However, there seems to be a contradiction between the number of students and the number of surveys you need to collect.

To clarify, when you mention that there are only 17 students, it suggests that you have a smaller sample size. In that case, you won't be able to survey 50 students as required. So, you may need to adjust your survey design to accommodate the available number of students.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started on your assignment:

1. Understand the purpose: Begin by understanding the importance of learning about personal space and how it relates to your field of study. This will help you explain why you chose this area of practice for evaluation.

2. Define the evaluation tool: In this case, you mentioned using a Likert scale. Familiarize yourself with the Likert scale and how it is typically structured. Each Likert scale item consists of a statement or question, and respondents indicate their agreement or disagreement on a scale (e.g., strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree). Describe why you selected the Likert scale as the evaluation tool for collecting information on personal space.

3. Survey design: Since you have only 17 students, you might consider surveying each student multiple times to reach a total of 50 surveys. For example, you could have each student complete the survey on multiple occasions, such as five times each. This would allow you to gather a larger quantity of data, even though it originates from a smaller sample size.

4. Data collection: Administer the survey to the students following the survey design you established. Ensure that you explain the purpose of the survey and address any privacy or confidentiality concerns.

5. Data analysis: Once you have collected your survey data, you can analyze it to obtain meaningful information. Calculate descriptive statistics, such as frequencies or percentages, for each Likert scale item. Additionally, you can use graphs, such as bar charts or pie charts, to visually represent the results.

6. Result interpretation: Describe the information gained from the survey and present the results in a clear and organized manner. Discuss any trends, patterns, or significant findings you observe in the data. You can include graphs or other visualization tools to support your analysis.

7. Discussion of usefulness and limitations: Reflect on the usefulness of the results obtained from your survey. Discuss how the findings contribute to the understanding of students' learning about personal space and its implications for your field of study. Additionally, acknowledge any limitations of the study, such as the small sample size, potential bias, or constraints in survey design.

Remember, this explanation is just a starting point for your assignment. It's important to consult your assignment guidelines, course materials, and any additional resources provided by your instructor to ensure you meet all the requirements. Good luck with your assignment!