In "All Together Now", Jordan uses appeals to emotion and appeals to reason to try to persuade her readers that her views are important. In a paragraph, cite one example of each kind of appeal in her work. Then, explain whether you find Jordan's appeal convincing, supporting your ideas with logical reasons and relevant examples.

This is what I put- She uses Dr. Luther King Jr. as an example. She said " Think about the 1960s when Dr.Luther King Jr. was in his heyday and there were marches and protests against segregation and discrimination. The movement culminated in 1963 with the March on Washington"> She uses this to compare how he was successful in the 1960s, doing powerful speeches, protesting against segregation and discrimination.

In "All Together Now," Jordan employs both appeals to emotion and appeals to reason to persuade her readers. An example of her appeal to emotion can be seen when she references Dr. Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Jordan highlights the powerful speeches, marches, and protests against segregation and discrimination led by Dr. King during that era. This example evokes emotions of passion, empathy, and the desire for justice. On the other hand, her appeal to reason can be observed in her emphasis on the success of the civil rights movement and the positive changes it brought about. By providing a historical example of progress and highlighting the effectiveness of collective action, Jordan aims to convince her readers that their voices and actions can also make a difference.

In my opinion, Jordan's appeal is convincing. This is because she effectively balances appeals to both emotion and reason in her argument. The emotional appeal of evoking the civil rights movement and the efforts of Dr. King taps into deeply held values of justice and equality, creating a sense of urgency and motivation among her readers. Moreover, her appeal to reason by providing historical evidence shows that collective action can yield positive outcomes. The civil rights movement serves as a testament to how united efforts can challenge and change societal norms. Therefore, I find Jordan's appeal persuasive as it combines both emotional engagement and rational reasoning to appeal to a wider range of readers.

To cite one example of an appeal to emotion in Jordan's work, she uses the example of Dr. Luther King Jr. in her writing. By mentioning the marches and protests against segregation and discrimination in the 1960s, she aims to evoke an emotional response from her readers, reminding them of the historical significance and the power of collective activism.

In terms of an appeal to reason, Jordan's use of Dr. Luther King Jr. as a successful example can also be seen as a logical appeal. By referencing his powerful speeches and protests against segregation and discrimination, she presents a logical argument that highlights the effectiveness of such actions.

In my opinion, I find Jordan's appeals to emotion and reason convincing. The mention of Dr. Luther King Jr. and the historical context of the civil rights movement are powerful reminders of the impact that collective action can have on society. By presenting a logical argument and appealing to the emotional connection that many have with these historic events, Jordan successfully makes her case for the importance of her views.

Furthermore, I find her appeal convincing because she provides relevant examples to support her claims. By referencing specific instances of successful activism and drawing parallels to the current situation, she strengthens her argument and demonstrates that her views have a solid foundation.

Overall, Jordan's use of appeals to emotion and reason effectively persuade me of the importance of her views by connecting to historical events, providing logical reasoning, and presenting relevant examples.

Is that an example of each kind?

I would not say it's either. It's an example of something she thinks is important. What is it that Ms. Jordan thinks is important? How does she try to convince YOU that you should also find those things important?