A hotel operates a shuttle bus between the hotel and the airport. The maximum capacity of the hotel’s minivan is 10 passengers. On each trip from the airport, the manager of the hotel conducts the experiment of noting the number of people in the minivan.a) What is an appropriate sample space for this experiment?b) Describe the event “fewer than 5 people were in the minivan.”

a) What is an appropriate sample space for this experiment?b) Describe the event “fewer than 5 people were in the minivan.”

a) In this case, the sample space represents all the possible outcomes of the experiment, which is the number of people in the minivan. Since the maximum capacity of the minivan is 10 passengers, the possible outcomes can range from 0 (no passengers) to 10 passengers. So, an appropriate sample space would be:

{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

b) The event "fewer than 5 people were in the minivan" refers to the scenario where the number of people in the minivan is less than 5. So, the event can be described as follows:

{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}