8. What form, or principal part, of the boldface verb is used?

Everyone is leaving Sarajevo.

present participle*****
past participle

**** marks my answer please check need help

To determine the form or principal part of the boldface verb used in the sentence "Everyone is leaving Sarajevo," we first need to identify the verb in the sentence. In this case, the verb is "leaving."

The question asks for the form or principal part of the verb, which refers to the specific derivative or version of the verb being used. In this sentence, the verb "leaving" is in the present participle form.

To come to this conclusion, we can break down the verb "leaving" into its base form (leave) and its present participle form (leaving). The base form of the verb is used to create different tenses and forms, while the present participle form is used to express continuous actions, as in this sentence.

Therefore, the correct answer is "present participle."
