I have to write a wisdom poem that conveys some sort of wisdom about any topic, such as love. It shouldn't have my interpretation, but it should give wisdom that would be relevant over many centuries.

I need help thinking of topics and what wisdom I would give about them. Help??

Here's 1400 quotes about wisdom.


The topic isn't wisdom, it just has to convey wisdom..

I don't know what your teacher expects, but it probably doesn't have to be profound. It could be practical, like how running over your foot with a running power lawnmower is not a good idea.

Do you have any other ideas like that?

If you can't find at least one idea in the 1400 quotes, then I don't have anything better to offer.

Of course! Writing a wisdom poem can be a beautiful and insightful endeavor. Here are some common topics you can consider along with suggestions for wisdom that could apply to them:

1. Love: "Love is like a flame, it can warm or consume. Nurture it with kindness, and it will forever bloom."

2. Time: "Time slips through our fingers, like grains of sand. Cherish each moment, for it's in the present where life expands."

3. Friendship: "In the garden of friendship, seeds must be sown. Watered with loyalty and trust, a beautiful bond will be grown."

4. Courage: "Within your heart, courage takes root. Stand firm and fearless, even when facing a storm's pursuit."

5. Loss and Grief: "When sorrow's tide pulls you low, remember that healing will eventually grow. Embrace memories and let them guide, as love's eternal warmth shall never subside."

6. Gratitude: "Pause and reflect on life's bounteous gifts. Gratitude opens doors, allowing joy to gently lift."

7. Nature: "The whispers of nature are profound and wise. Observe her rhythms, and you'll uncover life's truest prize."

Remember, the key to writing a timeless wisdom poem is to offer insights that resonate across generations. Utilize metaphors, imagery, and concise language to convey your message.