What does Wiesel’s description of his hatred of the bells help you infer from the memoir?

Their noise reminded the prisoners that they had little control over their own lives.

Lack of organization was a large part of life in the concentration camps.

The prisoners hated to leave their workstations when the bells rang each day.

The prisoners associated the sound of the bells with the selections.


You're probably right, although it's been quite a while since I read this book.

ok, thank you

You're welcome.

Based on Wiesel's description of his hatred of the bells, the inference that can be made from the memoir is that the prisoners associated the sound of the bells with the selections.

How to arrive at this answer:
1. Read the statement: "Wiesel’s description of his hatred of the bells".
2. Identify the information in the description that reveals his hatred towards the bells.
3. The statement "Their noise reminded the prisoners that they had little control over their own lives" suggests that the bells had a negative impact on the prisoners.
4. The next step is to connect this negative impact to a specific aspect of their experience in the concentration camps.
5. Consider the options provided in the question.
6. Among the options, the one that directly connects the bells to a specific event is "The prisoners associated the sound of the bells with the selections".
7. By selecting option A, you can infer that the statement "Their noise reminded the prisoners that they had little control over their own lives" is linked to the prisoners' negative association of the bells with the selections.