SPECS:construct a flowchart that shall producethe corresponding sales commission amount of each sales income enterd.

LEGND: commission table(per month)

sales income bracket commission rate
above $/100,000 15%
$/75,000.01-$/1000,000 12%
$/50,000.01-$/75,000 9%
$/30,000.01-$/50,000 7%
$/15,000.01-$/30,000 5%
$/10,000.01-$/15,000 4%
$/10,000 and below 3%

ASSMP: all values shall be entered from the keyboard, all values enterd shall be error-free and terminating value shall be zero for the sales income bracket

To construct a flowchart for calculating sales commission based on the sales income entered, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Initialize variables: sales_income, commission_rate, commission_amount
Step 3: Read sales_income from the keyboard
Step 4: Check if sales_income is equal to zero
- If true, go to Step 8
- If false, continue to the next step
Step 5: Check the sales_income bracket
- If sales_income is above $100,000, set commission_rate to 15%
- If sales_income is between $75,000.01 and $100,000, set commission_rate to 12%
- If sales_income is between $50,000.01 and $75,000, set commission_rate to 9%
- If sales_income is between $30,000.01 and $50,000, set commission_rate to 7%
- If sales_income is between $15,000.01 and $30,000, set commission_rate to 5%
- If sales_income is between $10,000.01 and $15,000, set commission_rate to 4%
- If sales_income is $10,000 or below, set commission_rate to 3%
Step 6: Calculate commission_amount using the formula: commission_amount = sales_income * commission_rate / 100
Step 7: Display commission_amount
Step 8: End

This flowchart will calculate the sales commission amount based on the sales income entered, using the commission rate corresponding to the sales income bracket. The program will terminate when the sales income entered is zero.

To construct a flowchart that calculates the corresponding sales commission amount based on the sales income entered, follow these steps:

1. Start the flowchart.

2. Prompt the user to enter the sales income.

3. Read the value of the sales income entered.

4. Check if the sales income is zero. If it is zero, go to step 9.

5. Check if the sales income is above $100,000. If it is, calculate the commission amount by multiplying the sales income by 15% and store it in a variable called commission_amount. Go to step 8.

6. Check if the sales income is between $75,000.01 and $100,000. If it is, calculate the commission amount by multiplying the sales income by 12% and store it in the commission_amount variable. Go to step 8.

7. Repeat steps 6 to 8 for the remaining sales income brackets and their corresponding commission rates (use the given commission table).

8. Output the commission_amount.

9. End the flowchart.

Here's an example flowchart that represents the steps described above:

| Start Flowchart |
| Prompt user to |
| enter sales |
| income |
| Read sales |
| income |
| Check if sales |
| income is zero |
| No
| Check if |
| sales |
| income > |
| $100,000 |
| Calculate |
| commission|
| amount |
| Output |
| commission|
| amount |
| No
| Check |
| if |
| sales |
| income|
| between|
| $.. |
| Calculate |
| commission|
| amount |
| Output|
| commission|
| amount |
| End |
| Flowchart |


Note: This is a basic flowchart representation, and you can choose to add symbols, connectors, and formatting as per your preference or the software you are using to create the flowchart.