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I have been working on the question for at least an hour. The question is:

I have to spend 100 dollers and by 100 brains.

Cow brains 5.00
Pigs 2.00
sheep 0.10

I have to buy one of each. I am very confused. Are teacher gave this worksheet to us to keep are brains of spring break.

Please Help

This is easy okay
you have to buy 10 sheep brains,
19 pig and 11 cows
you can do the rest of the math.

you did all the math so i am confused

To solve this problem, we need to determine how many of each type of brain you can buy with $100. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by looking at the cost of each type of brain:
- Cow brains: $5.00 each
- Pig brains: $2.00 each
- Sheep brains: $0.10 each

2. Since you have to buy one of each type, let's calculate how many of each brain you can buy with $100:
- Cow brains: $100 divided by $5.00 = 20 cow brains
- Pig brains: $100 divided by $2.00 = 50 pig brains
- Sheep brains: $100 divided by $0.10 = 1000 sheep brains

However, since you can only buy one of each type, you can't buy 1000 sheep brains. Instead, you need to find a combination that adds up to $100. Let's go through the options:

- If you buy 10 sheep brains (10 * $0.10 = $1.00), you will have $99 left.
- With $99, you can buy 49 pig brains since 49 * $2.00 = $98.00.
- Finally, with $1.00 remaining, you can buy 1 cow brain ($1.00 / $5.00 = 0.20, which rounds down to 0 or 1).

So the solution is to buy 10 sheep brains, 49 pig brains, and 1 cow brain.

To find the number of each type of brain you can buy with $100, we need to set up an equation using the given prices.

x = number of cow brains
y = number of pig brains
z = number of sheep brains

The equation can be written as:
5x + 2y + 0.10z = 100

Since you have to buy one of each type, we also have the constraints:
x = 1
y = 1
z = 1

Now we can solve this system of equations to find the values of x, y, and z.

Using the equation x = 1, we substitute the value into the initial equation:
5(1) + 2y + 0.10z = 100
5 + 2y + 0.10z = 100
2y + 0.10z = 95

Using the equation y = 1, we substitute the value into the adjusted equation:
2(1) + 0.10z = 95
2 + 0.10z = 95
0.10z = 93
z = 930

Now we know that z = 930.

Using the equation z = 1, we substitute the value into the initial equation:
5x + 2y + 0.10(930) = 100
5x + 2y + 93 = 100
5x + 2y = 7

We can rewrite this equation as:
5x + 2y = 7 - (2y + 0.10z)
5x = 7 - 2y - 0.10z

Substituting the values of y = 1 and z = 930 into the equation:
5x = 7 - 2(1) - 0.10(930)
5x = 7 - 2 - 93
5x = -88
x = -17.6

Since you can't have a negative number of brains, we'll assume that there was an error in the calculations. Please double-check the given information and equations to make sure the numbers are correct.

In summary, based on the given information, it seems there might be an error in the calculations or the provided data. Please verify the information and equations.