What are the respective values for the expressions 8q + 6, 9 + 4g, 7x – 7, and 10 – 3.2n, when the variables q, g, x, and n are given specific values?

To find the respective values of the expressions 8q + 6, 9 + 4g, 7x – 7, and 10 – 3.2n when given specific values for the variables q, g, x, and n, you simply substitute those values into the expressions and calculate the results.

Let's take each expression step by step:

1. 8q + 6:
- If you know the value of q, substitute it into the expression and simplify by multiplying and adding.
- For example, if q = 2, you would substitute 2 into the expression:
8(2) + 6 = 16 + 6 = 22
- So when q = 2, the value of 8q + 6 is 22.

2. 9 + 4g:
- If you know the value of g, substitute it into the expression and simplify by adding and multiplying.
- For example, if g = 3, you would substitute 3 into the expression:
9 + 4(3) = 9 + 12 = 21
- So when g = 3, the value of 9 + 4g is 21.

3. 7x – 7:
- If you know the value of x, substitute it into the expression and simplify by multiplying and subtracting.
- For example, if x = 5, you would substitute 5 into the expression:
7(5) – 7 = 35 – 7 = 28
- So when x = 5, the value of 7x – 7 is 28.

4. 10 – 3.2n:
- If you know the value of n, substitute it into the expression and simplify by multiplying and subtracting.
- For example, if n = 1, you would substitute 1 into the expression:
10 – 3.2(1) = 10 – 3.2 = 6.8
- So when n = 1, the value of 10 – 3.2n is 6.8.

Remember to substitute the specific values into each expression correctly and follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) to evaluate the expressions accurately and get the respective values.

To find the respective values of the expressions 8q + 6, 9 + 4g, 7x – 7, and 10 – 3.2n, we will substitute the given specific values for the variables q, g, x, and n.

Let's assume the specific values are:
q = 3
g = 2
x = 5
n = 1

Substituting these values into the expressions:

1. For 8q + 6:
Substitute q = 3,
8(3) + 6 = 24 + 6 = 30

2. For 9 + 4g:
Substitute g = 2,
9 + 4(2) = 9 + 8 = 17

3. For 7x – 7:
Substitute x = 5,
7(5) – 7 = 35 – 7 = 28

4. For 10 – 3.2n:
Substitute n = 1,
10 – 3.2(1) = 10 – 3.2 = 6.8

Therefore, the respective values for the expressions 8q + 6, 9 + 4g, 7x – 7, and 10 – 3.2n, when q = 3, g = 2, x = 5, and n = 1 are:
8q + 6 = 30
9 + 4g = 17
7x – 7 = 28
10 – 3.2n = 6.8