Which equation has (2,-1) as a solution?



Did you substitute the numbers for the letters in the equations?

?? I don't know what that means- how do I figure this out?

Ms Sue?

Please:( Idk

Uhhh, I believe it is C correct?

y = 2

x = -1

So isn't that A?

Is this right?

2 = (2 * -1) - 1
2 = -2 - 1

Which equation has (2,-1) as a solution?

Now look
It has to work when x = 2 and y = -1

Try the first one
y=2x-1 so -1 = 2*2 - 1
-1 = 4-1
-1 = 3 ******* NO WAY
The second one
y = x + 3 so -1 = 2+3 NO WAY
The third one
y = x - 3 so -1 = 2 - 3 = -1 CARAMBA!!!

To determine which equation has (2,-1) as a solution, we can substitute the values of x and y into each equation to see which one satisfies the condition.

Let's start with the equation y = 2x - 1 and substitute x = 2 and y = -1:
-1 = 2(2) - 1
-1 = 4 - 1
-1 = 3 (which is not true)

Next, let's try the equation y = x + 3:
-1 = 2 + 3
-1 = 5 (which is also not true)

Now, let's attempt the equation y = x - 3:
-1 = 2 - 3
-1 = -1 (which is true)

Finally, let's test the equation y = -2x + 1:
-1 = -2(2) + 1
-1 = -4 + 1
-1 = -3 (which is not true)

Out of the four equations, only y = x - 3 satisfies the condition when substituting (2,-1) as x and y values. Therefore, the correct answer is y = x - 3.