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How do I add 2*SQRT50+7*SQRT2

change sqrt50 to sqrt(25)sqrt2=5sqrt2

What do you mean by =5sqrt2?

i think they mean sqrt25 is simplified to 5 so you are still left with the sqrt2 because it cant be simplfied..

so 5sqrt2

To add 2 * SQRT(50) + 7 * SQRT(2), first, let's simplify each part separately.

SQRT(50) can be simplified to 5√2 because √(50) is equal to √(25) * √(2), which is 5 * √(2).

So, 2 * SQRT(50) becomes 2 * 5√2, which simplifies to 10√2.

Next, 7 * SQRT(2) remains the same.

Now that we have simplified both parts, we can add them together: 10√2 + 7√2.

Since both terms have the same radical (√2), we can add them: 10√2 + 7√2 = (10 + 7)√2 = 17√2.

Therefore, 2 * SQRT(50) + 7 * SQRT(2) is equal to 17√2.