Angelique says that finding the absolute value is the same as finding the opposite of the number. For example, -5=5.. Explain her error. I need help on the question, and what is the absolute value.



Her error is that the absolute value is the MAGNITUDE of a number, without regard to the sign.


the vaul is always positive so her error is right

Angelique's statement about finding the absolute value being the same as finding the opposite of the number is incorrect. The absolute value of a number is a mathematical concept that represents the distance of that number from zero on the number line.

The absolute value of a number, denoted by the symbol |x|, is always a non-negative value. It disregards the sign (positive or negative) of the number and focuses solely on its magnitude or distance from zero.

To clarify Angelique's error, let's take the example she provided: -5 = 5. This statement is incorrect. The absolute value of -5 is actually 5. In other words, the distance of -5 units away from zero on the number line is 5 units.

To find the absolute value of a number, you simply remove the negative sign (if present), leaving only the positive value. For instance, |-5| = 5 since we discard the negative sign. On the other hand, the opposite of a number refers to a value with the same magnitude but an opposite sign. Thus, the opposite of -5 is 5.

In summary, the absolute value of a number represents its distance from zero, regardless of its sign, while the opposite of a number changes the sign while keeping the magnitude the same.