Who was the REAL "first" president?

John Hanson!


The first president of the United States, as recognized by history, was George Washington. Washington served as the first president from 1789 to 1797. However, if you're asking about the "real" or original first president, it is important to note that before the United States became a country, it operated under the Articles of Confederation, which established a different system of government. Under the Articles, there was no position of the president as we know it today. Instead, the highest-ranking official was the President of the Continental Congress. So, if you consider this historical context, the first person to hold a similar role to being a president was Peyton Randolph, who served as the President of the Continental Congress from 1774 to 1775. However, it is widely agreed upon that George Washington is the first president of the United States under its current constitutional framework, established by the U.S. Constitution.