Every 24 hours, Earth makes a full rotation around its axis. Earth's speed of rotation at the equator is 1,670 km per hour. What is the circumference of Earth's equator?

40,080 km

who else on mobymax test prep

40,080 km

On average, a dolphin swims at a speed of 8 km per hour for about 15 hours per day. What distance does a dolphin travel per day? i need help!


like if your also stuck doing MOBY MAX! dude i am so done with it.

The answer is 40,080 it said it was wrong for me even though i put that THATS SO DUMB!!!

Science notebook grrr

It’s 40,080, it said correct for me so I’m positive that this is the the answer ( Anyone from MobyMax? Lol)

It's not 40,080 because that was for the last question