Dylan has 765 cards in his baseball card collection. He sells 153 of the cards. What is the percent of decrease in the number of cards in the collection?

i'm Lost I've been trying for about a good 20 minutes

he sells 153 cards out of 765

what fraction (percent) of his cards did he sell

To find the percent decrease in the number of cards in Dylan's collection, we need to calculate the difference between the original number of cards and the reduced number of cards, and then express this difference as a percentage of the original number of cards.

First, subtract the number of cards sold (153) from the original number of cards (765):
765 - 153 = 612

Next, divide the difference (612) by the original number of cards (765):
612 / 765 = 0.8

Now, multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage:
0.8 * 100 = 80

Therefore, the percent decrease in the number of cards in Dylan's collection is 80%.