Sarah bought 18 eggs from the store. How many dozen eggs did she buy? (1 dozen = 12)





No I'm not I checked them.....?

Connexus student I'm a she๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Yes, A.

I agree with Conexus kid he is correct

Dude, none of yall were right! I got a 0% cuz of yall. The real answers if you're from connections academy are:

1.A 1 1/2
2.C 11/4
3.B 3/4
4.D 1/4
5.C 44/9
I'm serious. Trust me if you don't want a 0% I promise it will give u a 100% UwU

lionna Boyce will get you 4/5

lionna Boyce is wrong dont listen to hime

who else think that teachers are getting questions off the net cuz i do

no b