What are major differences between ancient Aksum and modern day Ethiopia???? Need help fast!!!!!!




To understand the major differences between ancient Aksum and modern-day Ethiopia, you can consider various aspects such as political structures, religious beliefs, economic systems, and cultural developments. Here's how you can find the information quickly:

1. Use academic sources: Look for credible books, articles, or research papers that compare ancient Aksum and modern-day Ethiopia. Online databases, library catalogs, or academic websites like JSTOR or Google Scholar can be great sources.

2. Visit reliable historical websites: Check reputable historical or archaeological websites that specialize in ancient civilizations or the history of Ethiopia. These websites often provide in-depth information and comparisons.

3. Utilize online encyclopedias: Websites like Encyclopedia Britannica or Wikipedia can provide a general overview of both ancient Aksum and modern-day Ethiopia. However, it's important to cross-reference the information with other reliable sources.

4. Consult historical documentaries or videos: Watch documentaries or videos that discuss the Aksumite Empire and Ethiopian history. This visual format can provide a comprehensive understanding of the differences between the two.

Once you've gathered the necessary information, you can start considering the major differences:

Political structures:
- Ancient Aksum had a monarchical system with kings and queens, whereas modern-day Ethiopia is a federal parliamentary republic.

Religious beliefs:
- Aksum adhered to a form of ancient Ethiopian Christianity known as the Aksumite Christianity, while modern Ethiopia has a diverse mix of religious beliefs, including Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, Islam, and various indigenous religions.

Economic systems:
- Aksum was a prosperous trading empire with extensive trade routes, especially with the Roman Empire, whereas modern-day Ethiopia has a more diversified economy, including agriculture, manufacturing, and services.

Cultural developments:
- Aksum was known for its unique architectural style, such as the famous obelisks, whereas modern Ethiopia has a blend of traditional cultures and contemporary influences.

Remember to delve deeper into each aspect, cross-reference information from different sources, and consider additional factors as you analyze the major differences between ancient Aksum and modern-day Ethiopia.