The policy goals associated with U.S. environmental policy over the last thirty years have not included _________.

A: the precautionary principle

To determine whether the policy goals associated with U.S. environmental policy over the last thirty years have included the precautionary principle or not, you can approach it in the following way:

1. Understand the precautionary principle: The precautionary principle is a concept in environmental policy that suggests that if an action or policy has the potential to cause harm to the public or the environment, in the absence of scientific consensus, the burden of proof falls on those promoting the action to demonstrate its safety.

2. Research U.S. environmental policy goals: Look for reliable sources that discuss the policy goals associated with U.S. environmental policy over the last thirty years. These could include government documents, academic articles, or reputable news sources.

3. Examine relevant policy documents: Analyze official policy documents, such as environmental regulations, acts, or strategies, to identify any mention or implementation of the precautionary principle.

4. Consult expert opinions: You can also explore the viewpoints of environmental experts, scholars, or environmental organizations that have studied U.S. environmental policy. They might provide insights into whether the precautionary principle has been part of the policy goals or not.

By conducting this research and analysis, you should be able to determine whether the policy goals associated with U.S. environmental policy over the last thirty years have included the precautionary principle or not.