give an example of a human behavior that is considered deviant in one society but is not considered deviant to others.

head shrinking

Having hallucinations is another example. Some culture consider them communications from the spirits. Our culture typcially considers hallucinations as an indication of a mental disorder.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

An example of a human behavior that is considered deviant in one society but not considered deviant in others is the practice of head shrinking. Head shrinking is a cultural practice that involves removing the skull and skin from a deceased person's head and shrinking it to preserve it as a trophy or as a symbol of power.

In Western societies, this practice is considered highly deviant and taboo, as it involves desecrating the human body and is seen as a violation of human dignity. However, in some indigenous cultures in South America, such as the Jivaro tribe in Ecuador and Peru, head shrinking was historically practiced for various reasons, including the belief that it captured the spirit and power of the deceased person.

Understanding this difference in cultural norms and values is crucial in recognizing that what may be considered deviant in one society can be accepted or even valued in another society. To gain a deeper understanding of cultural practices and their deviant or non-deviant status, it is important to engage in cultural relativism, which involves suspending judgment and taking into account the cultural context and perspectives of different societies. This can be achieved through research, reading anthropology books, studying different cultures, and interacting with people from diverse backgrounds.