How did you get 25 on

0.56 × 48

0.58 Is very close to half (1/2 or 0.5).

48 is very close to 50.

What is half of 50?

0.5 * 50 = 25.

To calculate 0.56 multiplied by 48, you multiply the two numbers together. Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Write down the numbers: 0.56 and 48.
2. Multiply the decimals as if they were whole numbers. Ignore the decimal point for now.
0.56 × 48 = 2688
3. Count the total number of decimal places from both original numbers. In this case, 0.56 has two decimal places.
4. Place the decimal point in the product in a way that it aligns with the total number of decimal places.
0.56 × 48 = 26.88
5. However, since the question asks for the answer to be rounded to the nearest whole number, we round the result.
26.88 is closer to 27 than to 26, so rounding it gives us the final answer: 27.

Therefore, the result of calculating 0.56 multiplied by 48 is 27.