By asking students to "freeze" their bodies for a moment when the music

pauses, a teacher can help children understand:

1.musical rests

Wouldn't the correct answer be musical
rests? I am thinking the correct answer could also be relaxation.
I surely would appreciate any input
you can give. Thank you!

Your first answer is correct. Freezing the body for a moment certainly illustrates musical rests. Relaxation would last longer.

Yes, you are correct. Asking students to "freeze" their bodies for a moment when the music pauses is a way to help them understand musical rests. Musical rests are moments of silence or a pause in the music where no notes are played. By asking students to freeze their bodies when the music pauses, the teacher is essentially having them mimic the concept of a musical rest, which is a period of silence in the music.

On the other hand, relaxation refers to a state of being calm and free from tension or stress. While freezing the body for a moment might also promote a sense of relaxation, it is not directly related to the concept of musical rests. Musical rests specifically refer to a pause or silence in the music itself, rather than a state of relaxation.

So in this scenario, the correct answer is indeed musical rests. It is a creative and physical way for students to experience and internalize the concept of pauses or periods of silence in music.