Create an image of a historic battlefield scene invoking the elements from the novel 'The Red Badge of Courage'. Picture an intense landscape scattered with soldiers, as one lone young man, alluding to the character named Henry, stands out. He appears conflicted, visibly grappling with himself whether to stay or flee from the battlefield. The sky above is indifferent, imposing an aura of nature's indifference towards humans. Meanwhile, a remote figure of a woman stands as a symbol for motherly concern in the far distance, contrasting the immediate horrors of war.

1. Henry's internal conflict about fleeing from the battle serves which purpose in The Red Badge of Courage?

A. develops his character ***
B. adds to exposition
C. builds suspense in the plot
D. supports the theme of nature's indifference to humans.

2. Which line from The Red Badge of Courage best reflects the difference between Henry's perspective on courage and his mother's?
A. “’Don’t go a-thinkin’ you can lick the hull rebel army at the start, because yeh can’t.’” ***
B. “Her brown face, upraised, was stained with tears, and her spare form was quivering.”
C. “Still, she had disappointed him by saying nothing whatever about returning with his shield or on it.”
D.“’You watch out, Henry, an’ take good care of yourself in this here fighting business—you watch, an’ take good care of yerself.”

3. Henry’s internal conflict about fleeing from the battle serves which purpose in The Red Badge of Courage?
A. develops his character
B. adds to exposition
C. Builds suspense in the plot
D. supports the theme of nature's indifference to humans.

#3 is the same as #1. I do agree with your answers to 1 and 2.

Thanks Reed! And that was an accident

3. A. develops his character

The correct answer is A. develops his character. Henry's internal conflict about fleeing from the battle helps to reveal and develop his character throughout the novel.

The answer to question 1 is A. develops his character.

To determine this answer, you can analyze Henry's internal conflict and its effect on the story. Henry's struggle with fleeing from the battle is a key aspect of his character development throughout the novel. His initial desire for glory and bravery is contrasted with his fear and uncertainty in the face of actual combat. This internal conflict forces Henry to confront and question his own courage, ultimately leading to his growth as a character.

To get the answer, you can read and analyze the story, paying attention to Henry's thoughts, actions, and feelings throughout the novel. You can also look for instances where Henry's internal conflict is highlighted or discussed by the author or other characters. These moments can provide insights into the purpose and impact of this conflict on Henry's character development in The Red Badge of Courage.

Moving on to question 2:

The answer is A. "'Don’t go a-thinkin’ you can lick the hull rebel army at the start, because yeh can’t.'"

To determine this answer, you can analyze the differences in perspective on courage between Henry and his mother. This line reflects Henry's inflated, naive belief in his ability to single-handedly defeat the entire rebel army, contrasting with his mother's realistic and cautious advice. This disparity in perspective demonstrates the differing understandings of courage between Henry, who is seeking glory and recognition, and his mother, who is concerned for his safety and well-being.

To find the answer, you can carefully read the dialogue and interactions between Henry and his mother in the novel. Pay attention to the language and ideas expressed by both characters, focusing on instances where their perspectives on courage are explored or contrasted. These moments can help you understand and identify the line that best reflects the difference in their perspectives.

Finally, returning to question 3:

The answer is C. Builds suspense in the plot.

To determine this answer, you can analyze the effect of Henry's internal conflict about fleeing from the battle on the overall plot of the novel. Henry's wavering commitment to staying in the fight creates suspense because it leaves the reader uncertain about his ultimate decision and outcome. The internal conflict adds tension and anticipation as the plot progresses, keeping the reader engaged and curious to see how Henry's internal struggle will be resolved.

To find the answer, you can revisit the sections of the novel where Henry's internal conflict and its impact on the plot are described or depicted. Look for instances where the author uses language, dialogue, or narrative techniques to create suspense and build tension. These moments can provide insights into the purpose and effect of Henry's internal conflict on the overall plot structure of The Red Badge of Courage.