Mrs.Jackson earned a $500 bonus for signing a one-year contract to work as a nurse. Her salary is $22 per hour. If her first week's check including the bonus is 1,204, how many hours did mrs.jackson work

Mrs.Jackson earned a $500 bonus for signing a one-year contract to work as a nurse.Her salery is 22$ per hour. If here first week check including the bonus is $1,204, how many hours did Mrs.Jackson work?


To find out how many hours Mrs. Jackson worked, we need to determine the portion of her total earnings that come from her hourly salary and the portion that comes from the bonus.

First, let's subtract the bonus amount from the total check amount to find out the portion that comes from her hourly salary:
Total check amount - Bonus = Hourly salary portion
$1,204 - $500 = $704 (hourly salary portion)

Next, we need to determine how many hours Mrs. Jackson worked to earn this portion of her total earnings. Since her hourly salary is $22 per hour, we'll divide the hourly salary portion by her hourly rate:
Hourly salary portion / Hourly rate = Hours worked
$704 / $22 = 32 hours

Therefore, Mrs. Jackson worked 32 hours to earn a total of $1,204, including the $500 bonus.

So, we know the bonus and the salary. Also, we know her first week's check.

We are going to use a formula,
Bonus + t * Rate = Total
The variable t will represent hours of work, that's the variable we are going to solve for. Let's plug in the variables...

500 + 22x = 1204
Solve for x.