I will be taking high school AP English and Psychology exam next month.

My psychology teacher does not return our tests.
Can anyone give me any ideas/leads on how to best prepare for these exams?

This site may help you.


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is additional help on the AP exams:


http://www.higheredinfo.org/dbrowser/index.php?measure=20 (exam results 2005 nationwide)


http://www.webenglishteacher.com/ap.html (Web English IB & AP)

Since general study hints might improve your performance, try these sites.


Although all of these suggestions may not apply to you, most of them should be helpful.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

All the links are highly useful. Thanks for sharing with us.

Preparing for AP exams can be challenging, but there are several resources and strategies that can help you succeed. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Start by reviewing the course material. This can include textbooks, lecture notes, and any other resources provided by your teacher. Make sure you have a good understanding of the major concepts and theories in both English and Psychology.

2. Take advantage of online resources. The College Board website (collegeboard.com) is a great starting point. They offer detailed information about the AP exams, including sample questions and practice exams. You can also find study guides and review materials specific to each subject.

3. Look for review books. Many publishers offer comprehensive review books specifically designed for AP exams. These books often include practice questions, summaries of key concepts, and test-taking strategies. You can find these books at online retailers like Amazon or in your local bookstore.

4. Join a study group or find a study partner. Collaborating with others can help you gain different perspectives and reinforce your learning. You can discuss difficult topics, review each other's work, and quiz each other on important concepts.

5. Create a study schedule. Break down your studying into manageable chunks and allocate specific time for each subject. Stick to your schedule and try to study consistently to ensure you cover all the necessary material.

6. Practice with past exams. Look for previous AP exams from previous years and practice answering the questions. This will familiarize you with the format and types of questions you may encounter on the actual exam. Analyze your performance to identify areas of weakness and focus on improving them.

7. Seek additional help if needed. If you're struggling with certain topics or concepts, don't hesitate to ask for assistance. Talk to your teacher, join online forums, or find a tutor who can provide guidance and clarification.

Remember, effective preparation requires a combination of reviewing content, practicing with sample questions, and maintaining a consistent study schedule. Good luck on your exams!