How did planetsmals form planets?

They broke apart into smaller chunks.

They collided and stuck together

They cooled and pulled ice together

They began to rotate

If anyone took the assessment please help x

also I believe it is A

It's B.

To understand how planetesimals formed planets, let's break down the answer choices and explain each one:

1. They broke apart into smaller chunks: This is not the correct answer. Planetesimals did not break apart into smaller chunks to form planets; instead, they stuck together through collisions.

2. They collided and stuck together: This is the correct answer. Planetesimals, which are small solid objects formed from the matter in the protoplanetary disk, collided with each other in the early stages of the solar system formation. Through these collisions, they stuck together, gradually growing larger and forming planets.

3. They cooled and pulled ice together: This is not entirely accurate. While some planetesimals did accumulate ice, especially in the outer regions of the solar system, the cooling and pulling together of ice alone was not the primary process by which planetesimals formed planets.

4. They began to rotate: Rotation played a role in the overall dynamics of the planetesimal collisions, but it was not the sole factor responsible for the formation of planets. The sticking together of planetesimals through collisions was the key process for their growth into planets.

Therefore, the correct answer is: They collided and stuck together.

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