I need some help checking these questions. This is on the poem Ulysses by Alfred Tennyson, if you search "Ulysses poem" its the first result.

1. Lines 47-48 read, "That ever with a frolic welcome took/The thunder and the sunshine..." In line 48, thunder and sunshine are symbolic of
a) The weather Ulysses will face on his journey
b) The power and success Ulysses has had.
c) The adversity and good fortune Ulysses has had.***
d) The anger and pleasure he's given the gods.

2. Lines 1-32 represent the first section of Ulysses. The purpose of this section is to
a) To establish Ulysses's desire to travel once more.***
b) To show Ulysses is leaving his kingdom in good hands.
c) To reminisce about past voyages.
d) To ponder what is to come in the upcoming voyage.

3. Ulysses feels that he is
a) akin to the people he rules
b) dissimilar to the people he rules***
c) too young for his wife
d) too old for his wife

4. Ulysses symbolizes what kind of life?
a) One of boredom
b) One of a failed hero
c) One in search of knowledge and intellect***
d) None of the above

5. The westward direction of Ulysses's journey symbolizes
a) sailing toward death
b) sailing toward new enlightenment and intellect
c) sailing toward new experiences of corporal gratification.
d) b and c
e) a and b***

6. Lines 63-64 read, "It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles/And see the great Achilles, whom we knew." By alluding to seeing Achilles in line 64, Ulysses implies
a) the journey will bring great trials
b) the journey may bring war
c) the journey may bring triumph over their enemies
d) the journey may bring death***

7. In line 10 the word Hyades most closely means
a) Cluster of stars said to indicate raim when they rise with the sun***
b) Suitable
c) Wind
d) Severe suffering

8. Lines 45-46 state, “My mariners,/ Souls that have toiled, and wrought, and thought with me…” the mariners of line 46 are
a) The people of Ulysses’s kingdom
b) Past friends who have experienced past voyages with Ulysses***
c) Those he will take on this new voyage
d) Those who have experienced difficult times.

9. Line 44 to the end represents the third section of Ulysses. The purpose of this section is to
a) To establish Ulysses’s lack of desire to travel once more.
b) To illustrate his reason for sailing once more.***
c) To show ulysses is leaving his kingdom well attended during his absence.
d) To encourage his comrades to set sail with him.

10. Lines 33-43 represent the second section of Ulysses. The purpose of this section is
a) To establish Ulysses’s desire to travel once more
b) To reminisce about past voyages
c) To show ulysses is leaving his kingdom well attended during his absence***
d) To ponder what is to come in the upcoming voyage.

11. The theme of Ulysses can be stated as
a) “To taste, to touch, to smell.”
b) “To enjoy life while you have the chance.”
c) “Move into action as idleness leads to death.”***
d) “To strive, to seek, to find.”

12. The metaphor in line 23 “to rust unburnished, not to shine in use” serves to further the idea of
a) Ulysses as hero.
b) Ulysses as close to death.***
c) Ulysses as cherishing earthly things.
d) Ulysses as a good king.

13. In line 7 the word lees most closely means
a) A cluster of stars said to indicate rain when they rise with the sun.
b) Suitable
c) Wind
d) Living life to the fullest***

14. In line 42, the word meet most closely means
a) A cluster of stars said to indicate rain when they rise with the sun.
b) Suitable***
c) Wind
d) Severe suffering

15. To Ulysses exploration of the globe represents
a) His ability to become immortalized
b) His ability to bring honor to his country
c) His ability to explore new intellect
d) His ability to delight in physical adventure.

1. I'm pretty sure about this but put it in case someone thinks I'm wrong.

2. I'm torn between a and c, leaning towards a because these questions often are asking for the deeper meaning, not what's going on in the section.

3. Pretty sure here--he says his wife is old but they are matched, as in he is old too. He says about his people "and know not me."

4. I'm not sure if its c or d. He is bored at the moment but the poem is about his adventurous life and his triumphs which rule out a and b.

5. sailing west into the setting sun is often meaning death, and he says that he wants to "follow knowledge like a sinking star." But I'm also weary of "these two choices" answers.

6. Happy Isles are where dead heros go because its an eternal summer for the dead. Achilles is dead. If they see him, that means death, right?

7. The Hyades are a cluster of stars associated with rain, but sometimes words in poems don't mean the same thing

8. He says how they have worked with him.

9. I'm torn between b and d. As a reader, he is listing his reasons for sailing. In the poem, he is convincing his friends. This is like question 2. (note that this is like question 10 also.)

10. The whole section is about his son, so this one is obvious.

11. This one is hard. I want to choose d, but that's his catchphrase, and I feel like that's going to be wrong. In the poem he's talking about how he cant sit and rust, he needs to travel. Thoughts?

12. I think it's b, because he's rusting, but this metaphor sounds like a sword rusting in its sheath. He was a hero. Thoughts?

13. Sure. Lees is a word meaning "to the bottom of the glass, or to the edge, to the fullest." So he's living life to the fullest.

14. He's talking about how his son will do well, suitable is the only answer.

15. This one is hard. The only thing I know is that it's not b. For a, he talks about travelling and that "I am a part of all I have met" meaning he is remembered. Sounds like immortalized. But he says he's seeking knowledge, and he talks about exploring.

I really want to do well here, I'm not very good with poetry. I've really put a lot of time and thought into this and I'd greatly appreciate some input.

1. C

2. A
3. B
4. C
5. E
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. C
11. D
12. A
13. D
14. B
15. C

yeah they're wrong...took the test on my own and found that i got an A

I think it is so funny how no one is giving the right answers. hahaha This is giving me AP smart kids behavior.

What were the answer good sir?

11. D

12. A
I took the test also already. I was given the answers afterwards.

Great job on your analysis so far! It seems like you have a good understanding of the poem and its themes. Let's go through each question to provide some feedback and suggestions:

1. You are correct, the thunder and sunshine symbolize the adversity and good fortune Ulysses has experienced.

2. Your choice of option a) is correct. The purpose of the first section is to establish Ulysses's desire to travel once more.

3. You mentioned that Ulysses feels dissimilar to the people he rules, which is the correct answer. He believes they do not truly know him.

4. You correctly identified that Ulysses symbolizes a life in search of knowledge and intellect.

5. Your analysis is accurate. The westward direction of Ulysses's journey symbolizes sailing toward death and new enlightenment and intellect.

6. Great job! By alluding to seeing Achilles, Ulysses implies that the journey may bring death.

7. The word "Hyades" indeed refers to a cluster of stars said to indicate rain when they rise with the sun.

8. Your interpretation is correct. The mariners mentioned in line 46 are past friends who have experienced voyages with Ulysses.

9. Your choice of option b) is correct. The purpose of the third section is to illustrate Ulysses's reason for sailing once more.

10. You mentioned that lines 33-43 represent the second section, which is correct. The purpose of this section is to show Ulysses leaving his kingdom well attended during his absence.

11. The theme of Ulysses can indeed be stated as "Move into action as idleness leads to death." Well done!

12. You correctly identified that the metaphor in line 23, "to rust unburnished, not to shine in use," serves to further the idea of Ulysses being close to death.

13. The word "lees" does not mean "living life to the fullest." It actually refers to the sediment or residue that settles at the bottom of a liquid, often associated with wine. So, the correct answer is not d).

14. The correct meaning of "meet" in line 42 is indeed "suitable."

15. Your analysis of option a) is correct. Exploration of the globe represents Ulysses's ability to become immortalized.

Overall, you did an excellent job with your analysis. Your understanding of the poem's symbols and themes is evident. Just make sure to double-check the meanings of unfamiliar words to ensure accuracy. Keep up the great work!

You didn't know that many teachers change the order of the questions and/or answers to tests.

Besides -- I've seen more wrong answers than right answers posted like this.