1. Actors:

John, Tom, David, Bill, Emily, Susan

2. Actors or Actresses:
John, Tom, David, Bill, Emily, Susan

3. Actor:
John, Tom, David, Bill, Emily, Susan
---------------------------------------In a play script, which one is grammatical? There are female actors and male actors. In that case, which one should we use?

These days, the word "actor" is used to refer to either male or female performers.

In a play script, when referring to both male and female performers, it is more inclusive and appropriate to use the term "actors" instead of exclusively using "actors" for males and "actresses" for females. This acknowledges and respects the gender diversity within the acting profession.

So, in this case, options 1 and 2 would be more suitable:

1. Actors: John, Tom, David, Bill, Emily, Susan
2. Actors or Actresses: John, Tom, David, Bill, Emily, Susan

These options encompass all the performers without distinguishing their gender, promoting gender equality and inclusivity within the play script.