What do these texts suggest to you about ways in which individuals pursue or compromise their happiness?

Can I please get a thesis? Like a general one without including the texts. I'm having trouble figuring it out.

What texts?

What did you learn about ways individuals pursue or compromise their happiness?

What texts? You should write your essay first, then write your thesis statement/opening paragraph.


I'm supposed to be doing it on the short story pauls case. But it's supposed to be a personal response so I wanted to write a short story

Will your teacher permit a short story rather than an essay?


Yes. We are allowed to write a narrative story

Ok. Then you don't need a thesis. Good luck with your story.

Really? I dont.can I get a link that shows how to format it?

There is no format for a short story. Usually it has characters, a plot, climax, and ending.

This site should help you.


Thesis: Through examining various texts, it becomes evident that individuals employ diverse strategies in their pursuit of happiness, but often face compromises along the way in order to achieve it.

To further explain the thesis, I would recommend analyzing the texts and identifying specific examples in which individuals strive to attain happiness. Look for instances where characters or individuals make sacrifices, engage in self-reflection or introspection, pursue personal goals and ambitions, or seek connections with others. Pay attention to the challenges and compromises they encounter during their journey towards happiness.

By examining these texts and identifying the different strategies and compromises made by individuals in their pursuit of happiness, you can support the thesis statement provided.