______ is the most powerful device for retaining information long-term.





How should you evaluate opinions?

by consulting their sources and checking their content

bias is good prejudice by writing your own opinions

by comparing them to your own opinions


I don't know about the first one, but I vigorously disagree with the second one;

Yes, 2 is A.

To determine the most powerful device for retaining information long-term, you can review the given options: recitation, drill, exposer, and "a." However, it seems that the option "a" might be incomplete or a typing error since it does not make sense in this context. Therefore, we can set it aside and focus on the remaining options.

Recitation and drill are both methods often used for memorization and retention of information. Recitation involves verbally repeating or reciting information, while drill refers to repetitive practice or exercises to reinforce learning.

Exposer, on the other hand, does not seem to be a commonly recognized term in relation to retaining information long-term.

Without further clarification or knowledge of the context, it is difficult to definitively determine which option is the most powerful device for retaining information long-term between recitation and drill.

Moving on to the second question about evaluating opinions, there are three options: by consulting their sources and checking their content, bias is good prejudice by writing your own opinions, or by comparing them to your own opinions.

When evaluating opinions, the best approach is to consult the sources and check the content of the opinions. This involves examining the evidence, facts, or data provided to support the opinions, and assessing the credibility and reliability of the sources.

Comparing opinions to your own is a valid approach to understanding different perspectives, but it may not necessarily be the most effective method for evaluating the validity or accuracy of the opinions.

The option "bias is good prejudice by writing your own opinions" does not make logical sense, so we can eliminate it as a valid choice.

Therefore, the correct answer would be to evaluate opinions by consulting their sources and checking their content.