What would the cube root of 6a^2 produce?

1.81712059 a^(2/3)

a^(2/3) is the cube root of a^2

The irrational number 1.81712059...
is the cube root of 6.

To find the cube root of 6a^2, we can represent it as (6a^2)^(1/3). To simplify this expression, we can distribute the exponent of 1/3 to both 6 and a^2.

First, let's find the cube root of 6:
∛6 = 1.817

Next, let's find the cube root of a^2:
∛(a^2) = a^(2/3)

Therefore, the cube root of 6a^2 is approximately 1.817a^(2/3).

To find the cube root of 6a^2, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the expression 6a^2.

Step 2: Identify that you want to find the cube root, which means finding a number that, when multiplied by itself three times, results in 6a^2.

Step 3: Simplify the expression under the cube root by factoring out the perfect cubes. In this case, 6a^2 does not have any perfect cube factors.

Step 4: Rewrite the expression as the cube root of each factor individually. Separate the variable term (a^2) from the constant term (6). The cube root of a^2 is simply a raised to the power of 2/3 (since cube root means raising to the power of 1/3), and the cube root of 6 is 6 raised to the power of 1/3.

The final result would be the cube root of 6a^2 = a^(2/3) * 6^(1/3).