what does these quote mean?

1.)"my life for itself and not for a spectacle"
2.)An institution is the lengthened shadow of a man.
3.) Life only avails, not the having lived.
4.) Insist on yourself; never imitate
Thanks for your help!

All of these quotes are from Ralph Waldo Emerson.

1. "I do not wish to expiate, but to live. My life is for itself and not for a spectacle. I much prefer that it should be of a lower strain, so it be genuine and equal, then that it should be glittering and unsteady. I wish it to be sound and sweet, and not to need diet and bleeding."
-- Series I. Self-Reliance
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson means that he wants to live a life that is true and meaningful to him. He doesn't want a public life that's for show and has no real purpose or reality.

2.)An institution is the lengthened shadow of a man.
Emerson seems to be referring to institutions such as colleges and universities. What do you think it means?

3.) Life only avails, not the having lived.

"Life only avails, not the having lived. Power ceases in the instant of repose; it resides in the moment of transition from a past to a new state, in the shooting of the gulf, in the darting to an aim. This one fact the world hates, that the soul becomes; for that forever degrades the past, turns all riches to poverty, all reputation to shame, confounds the saint with the rogue, shoves Jesus and Judas equally aside. ..."

You may want to check the definition of avail.

4.) Insist on yourself; never imitate.
"Insist on yourself; never imitate... Every great man is unique."

What do you think this means? We'll be glad to comment on your answers.

1. Genuine and equal.

2. Institutions are usually *not* the shadows of one man alone, and great institutions, especially, are not. It honors the man, who made the institution possible.
3. "Live in the present. The past is finished. Forget it and move on with your life."
4. Every great man is unique.

Any interpretations will be particular to the individual who's interpreting them!! I'll tell you what #4 means to me, but remember, you might not agree.

4.) Insist on yourself; never imitate

Be yourself; don't bother to try to be someone else or what other people expect you to be.

Now ... how about some guesses on what YOU THINK the others mean. Guess!! It certainly can't hurt.


thank you so much for your help! with your help i have tried to extend the explanation for each. Thank you so much once again!!!

You're very welcome. :-)

1.) "My life for itself and not for a spectacle": This quote, often attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, suggests a desire for an authentic and meaningful life rather than one solely focused on seeking attention or admiration from others. It emphasizes prioritizing personal fulfillment and genuine experiences rather than living for the sake of others' entertainment.

Using humor: It's like saying, "Why be a performer when you can be the director of your own life movie? Skip the drama and be the star!"

2.) "An institution is the lengthened shadow of a man": This quote, from Ralph Waldo Emerson, implies that the impact of an individual can transcend their lifetime and influence the creation or shaping of institutions. It signifies that institutions, such as organizations or societal structures, are often formed based on the ideas, values, and actions of influential individuals.

Using humor: It's like saying, "If a man's influence were a shadow, some people would be casting shade for generations!"

3.) "Life only avails, not the having lived": This quote, by Amelia Burr, suggests that the value of life lies not in simply existing or having lived, but in the experiences, achievements, and positive impact one has made during their time alive. It highlights the importance of making the most of life and leaving a lasting impact.

Using humor: It's like saying, "Life is not just about collecting stamps – it's about getting out there and sticking your mark on the world!"

4.) "Insist on yourself; never imitate": This quote, by Ralph Waldo Emerson, encourages individuals to embrace their unique personalities, talents, and ideas, instead of imitating or trying to be someone else. It emphasizes the importance of self-confidence and authenticity.

Using humor: It's like saying, "Why be a copycat when you can be a masterpiece? Embrace your quirks and let your one-of-a-kind shine!"

1.) "My life for itself and not for a spectacle" - This quote suggests that the speaker desires to live their life authentically, without seeking attention or validation from others. They prioritize living for their own sake, rather than trying to impress or entertain others.

To interpret this quote, you can analyze the context in which it was said. Consider the speaker's personal experiences, beliefs, or any other information that may shed light on their perspective. You can also explore the themes of self-identity, individuality, and the importance of living a genuine life.

2.) "An institution is the lengthened shadow of a man" - This quote implies that organizations or institutions are established and shaped by the people who create and lead them. The actions, beliefs, and values of individuals within these institutions influence and define their overall characteristics and behaviors.

To understand this quote, you can examine the relationship between individuals and institutions. Consider how a person's influence, values, and leadership can shape the identity and functioning of an institution. You may also explore how the strengths and weaknesses of individuals manifest within the larger organizations they establish.

3.) "Life only avails, not the having lived" - This quote suggests that the true value of life lies in the actual experience and living of it, rather than in simply having existed or accumulated material possessions. It emphasizes the importance of seizing the opportunities that life presents and making the most out of them.

To interpret this quote, consider the broader philosophical or existential themes related to the meaning of life. Reflect on the idea of living with purpose, engaging in meaningful experiences, and finding fulfillment through genuine connections and personal growth.

4.) "Insist on yourself; never imitate" - This quote encourages individuality and self-expression. It advises against blindly imitating others or conforming to societal expectations. Instead, it urges individuals to assert their own unique perspectives, values, and talents.

To understand this quote, reflect on the importance of personal authenticity and the potential consequences of conformity. Consider how embracing your individuality can lead to self-discovery, personal growth, and the pursuit of your own passions and dreams. Explore the idea of embracing one's own voice and ideas, rather than following the crowd.