A puzzle expert wrote two new sudoku puzzles. He made $950 selling the books. The hardcover books were $3 while the softcover books were $2.50. If he sold 350 books, how many of each did he sell?

How do I set this up?

h + s = 350

3h + 2.5s = 950

Thank you.

To set up this problem, let's define two variables:

- Let's call the number of hardcover books sold as "x".
- And let's call the number of softcover books sold as "y".

We are given the following information:
- The total number of books sold is 350, so x + y = 350.
- The price of a hardcover book is $3, so the total revenue from hardcover books is 3x dollars.
- The price of a softcover book is $2.50, so the total revenue from softcover books is 2.50y dollars.
- The total revenue from selling both types of books is $950, so 3x + 2.50y = 950.

Our goal is to find the values of x and y, representing the number of hardcover and softcover books sold, respectively.

Now we have a system of equations:
x + y = 350,
3x + 2.50y = 950.

We can solve this system of equations to find the values of x and y.