
posted by rfvv today at 6:01am.

a person who is in charge of props in a play.
1. a prop man
2. a prop master
3. a property man
4. a property master
5. _________
What are the proper words for the definition? Do you have some more suitable terms?

English - Writeacher today at 8:03am
I think you have all the terms for this particular job in a play or movie.


Thank you for your help.
If the person is a girl, can we use the following expressions?

1-2. a prop woman/lady
2-2. a prop mastress
3-2. a property girl
4-2. a property mastress

To cover all, you should probably use the term "prop master."

In English, the term commonly used for a person in charge of props in a play or movie is "prop master" or "property master." These terms are gender-neutral and can be used regardless of the gender of the person in the role. However, if you specifically want to refer to a girl or a woman in this role, there are alternative expressions you can use:

1-2. a prop woman/lady - These expressions can be used to refer to a woman or a girl who is in charge of props in a play or movie.
2-2. a prop mastress - While "prop mastress" is theoretically possible as a feminine form of "prop master," it is not commonly used and may not be widely recognized.

3-2. a property girl - This expression could potentially be used to refer to a girl who is in charge of props, but it may not be commonly used or widely recognized.

4-2. a property mastress - Similar to "prop mastress," "property mastress" is not a commonly used expression and may not be widely recognized.

It's important to note that the most widely recognized and commonly used terms are "prop master" and "property master" regardless of the person's gender.