an ostrich can run a maximum speed of 70km per hour.

You have to convert the 70km to 70000m.
you have to convert the per hour part too and 1hr =60 min.

Somehow the time becomes 3600, could someone please tell me how?

If you want to convert 70km/h to m/s:

70km/h = 70,000m/3600s =

1 hour = 3600s.

To convert 70km to meters, you need to multiply it by 1000 since there are 1000 meters in a kilometer. So, 70km can be converted to 70,000 meters.

Now, to convert "per hour" to minutes, you need to know that there are 60 minutes in an hour. So, we multiply the speed by 60 to convert it to meters per minute.

To convert hours to minutes, you multiply it by 60, which means 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes. So, to convert per hour to per minute, we divide the speed by 60.

Now, let's calculate the conversion:

70km = 70,000m
Per hour to per minute: (70,000m / 60) = 1,166.67m/min

So, an ostrich can run at a maximum speed of approximately 1,166.67 meters per minute.

As for why the time of an hour becomes 3,600, it is because there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. So, to convert the time from hours to seconds, you multiply it by 60 and then by 60 again.

1 hour * 60 minutes/hour * 60 seconds/minute = 3,600 seconds.

That's why 1 hour is equal to 3,600 seconds.