Between which two consecutive whole numbers does ∛80 lie?


4^3 = 64
5^3 = 125
so, ...

To determine between which two consecutive whole numbers does ∛80 lie, we need to find the whole numbers whose cubes are less than and greater than 80.

First, let's find the cube of whole numbers starting from 1 until we find one that is greater than 80:

1^3 = 1
2^3 = 8
3^3 = 27
4^3 = 64
5^3 = 125

We have found that 5^3 (125) is greater than 80, so let's try the previous number, 4:

4^3 = 64

Since 4^3 (64) is less than 80 and 5^3 (125) is greater than 80, we can conclude that the cube root (∛80) lies between the whole numbers 4 and 5.