Joe is the owner and CEO of Pinecrest Enterprises, a real estate development company in Boise, Idaho. The company has taken on a new development project outside of town, and Joe wants to drive out to survey the proposed development site. The site is 30 miles away from Joe’s office. Setting a good example, Joe drives the speed limit of 45 miles per hour to the development site and back.

and ... ?

What are you trying to find out

What is the total amount of time that Joe will spend driving to and from the development site?

To find out how long it will take Joe to drive to the development site and back, we need to calculate the total distance traveled and divide it by Joe's speed.

First, let's calculate the total distance traveled round trip. If the site is 30 miles away, Joe would need to travel 30 miles to reach it and then another 30 miles to return to his office. So the total distance traveled is 30 miles + 30 miles = 60 miles.

Now, let's calculate how long it will take Joe to drive the distance. Since Joe is driving at the speed limit of 45 miles per hour, we can use the formula: time = distance / speed.

For the round trip, the distance is 60 miles, and the speed is 45 miles per hour. So, the time it will take Joe to complete the round trip is:
time = 60 miles / 45 miles per hour = 1.33 hours.

Therefore, it will take Joe approximately 1.33 hours to drive to the development site and return to his office, assuming he maintains a consistent speed of 45 miles per hour and there are no other factors affecting his travel time.