A set of input values is sometimes referred to as the replacement set for the independent variables. Evaluate each function for the given replacement set.


check see if u can help me with my question and see if i can help u with mine

f(-3) = 3 (-3) -6 = -9 - 6 = -15

f(5) = 3 (5) - 6 = 15 - 6 = 9

Come on you two, you can do it !

To evaluate the function f(x) = 3x - 6 for the given replacement set {-3.5, -1, 1/4, 2, 11}, you need to substitute each value from the replacement set into the function and perform the calculations.

Let's start by evaluating f(x) for -3.5:
f(-3.5) = 3(-3.5) - 6
= -10.5 - 6
= -16.5

Next, evaluate f(x) for -1:
f(-1) = 3(-1) - 6
= -3 - 6
= -9

Then, evaluate f(x) for 1/4:
f(1/4) = 3(1/4) - 6
= 0.75 - 6
= -5.25

Continue by evaluating f(x) for 2:
f(2) = 3(2) - 6
= 6 - 6
= 0

Finally, evaluate f(x) for 11:
f(11) = 3(11) - 6
= 33 - 6
= 27

Therefore, the values of the function f(x) = 3x - 6 for the replacement set {-3.5, -1, 1/4, 2, 11} are:
{-16.5, -9, -5.25, 0, 27}