I would like to know how to use the subjunctive tense with the conditional/future. Which of these sentences is correct?

Je veux que tu étudies les sciences quand tu auras seize ans.

Je veux que tu étudies les sciences quand tu aurais seize ans.

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If I understand your question, the first is correct to say: “I want you to study sciences when you are (will be) sixteen years old.”


The correct sentence that uses the subjunctive tense with the conditional/future is:

Je veux que tu étudies les sciences quand tu auras seize ans.

To understand why this sentence is correct, let's break it down:

1. Je veux que tu étudies les sciences: This is the main clause of the sentence, where "je veux" (I want) is expressing a desire or wish.

2. quand tu auras seize ans: This is the subordinate clause, which provides the condition or timeframe for the action in the main clause. In this case, it translates to "when you will be sixteen years old."

When using the subjunctive tense in this context, we use the present subjunctive after certain expressions of desire, such as "je veux que" (I want that).

In the given sentence, the verb "étudies" (subjunctive form of "étudier") matches with the second person singular pronoun "tu" (you). The verb form "étudies" is in the present subjunctive, which is used to express uncertainty or subjectivity.

On the other hand, the sentence "Je veux que tu étudies les sciences quand tu aurais seize ans" is not correct. The use of "aurais" is incorrect because it is in the conditional tense, which does not pair with the present subjunctive. Instead, it should be "quand tu auras seize ans" to express a future condition.

In summary, to use the subjunctive tense with the conditional/future, you need to use the present subjunctive form in the subordinate clause, as seen in the correct sentence: "Je veux que tu étudies les sciences quand tu auras seize ans."