Is 'stove' the same as 'gas range'? Do you use the expression 'gas range' which is used for cooking. People put a pan on it to cook. Is 'stove' similar to 'heater' as well?

A stove is any appliance that burns fuel to generate heat. A kitchen range is called a stove sometimes (even an electric model). A stove may also be a wood- or coal-burning heater, but a heater is not a kitchen range. In the days before gas and electric ranges, a kitchen stove did double duty as a cooking range and heater.

Yes, the term "stove" is often used interchangeably with "gas range" to refer to a cooking appliance that uses gas as its fuel source. A gas range typically consists of a cooktop with burners and a separate oven for baking. People use the expression "gas range" or simply "range" to describe this specific type of cooking appliance.

Regarding the comparison between a stove and a heater, while both appliances provide heat, they are designed for different purposes. A stove or gas range is primarily used for cooking, while a heater is used to warm a room or space. The functioning and features of these appliances differ, although both involve the use of heat.