When adding the square root of 16 and -8 which type of number is the Sum

Irrational number
Whole number

The sum of the square root of those two numbers would be a complex number. Therefore it can't be an integer or an irrational number (irrational numbers are real numbers). It certainly isn't a whole number.

I'd say the best choice out of the four you've given is a radical, but complex number would be the ideal choice.

thank you so much

To find the sum of the square root of 16 and -8, we add the two numbers together.

First, let's determine the values of the square root of 16 and -8:

The square root of 16 is 4, since 4 multiplied by itself equals 16.

The square root of -8 is not a real number because there is no real number that, when multiplied by itself, equals -8. Therefore, the square root of -8 is an imaginary number.

Now, let's add the two numbers:

4 + (-8) = -4

The sum of the square root of 16 and -8 is -4.

In terms of the types of numbers mentioned in the options:

- An integer is a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero. Since -4 is a whole number, it is an integer.

- An irrational number cannot be expressed as a fraction and does not terminate or repeat. The sum of the square root of 16 and -8, which is -4, is a rational number, not an irrational number.

- A radical is a mathematical symbol (√) used to indicate a square root. In this case, we are not talking about the radical itself, but the sum of the square roots. The sum, -4, is not a radical.

- A whole number is a non-negative integer, including zero. -4 is not a whole number because it is negative.

Therefore, the correct answer is: The sum of the square root of 16 and -8 is an integer.