Which two orbitals overlap to form the sigma bond between C and H in C2HF?

To determine which orbitals overlap to form the sigma bond between carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) in C2HF, we need to consider the atomic orbitals involved in the bond formation.

In C2HF, there are multiple possibilities for sigma bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms. However, we will assume the most common form, where each carbon atom is bonded to one hydrogen atom.

The atomic orbitals involved in the bond formation are the 2s orbital of hydrogen and the 2p orbital of carbon. These orbitals overlap head-on, resulting in the formation of sigma bonds.

Here is how you can determine the overlapping orbitals:

Step 1: Find the electron configuration of the elements.

Carbon (C): 1s^2 2s^2 2p^2
Hydrogen (H): 1s^1

Step 2: Identify the valence orbitals involved in bonding.

Carbon's valence orbitals: 2s and 2p
Hydrogen's valence orbitals: 1s

Step 3: Look for the overlapping orbitals.

In C2HF, the carbon atom uses one of its 2p orbitals to form a sigma bond with the hydrogen atom. Each hydrogen atom provides its 1s orbital to form a sigma bond with the carbon atom.

Therefore, the overlapping orbitals are the 2p orbital of carbon and the 1s orbital of hydrogen.

In summary, the 2p orbital of carbon and the 1s orbital of hydrogen overlap to form the sigma bond between C and H in C2HF.

In C2HF, the sigma bond between carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) is formed through the overlapping of the carbon sp hybrid orbital with the hydrogen 1s orbital.

Here are the step-by-step details:

1. Carbon in C2HF adopts sp hybridization, which means that one of its 2s orbitals and one of its 2p orbitals combine to form two sp hybrid orbitals.

2. One of these sp hybrid orbitals on carbon overlaps with the 1s orbital of a hydrogen atom, resulting in the formation of a sigma bond between carbon and hydrogen.

Please note that the structure of C2HF indicates that there are two carbon atoms, so there will be two sigma bonds formed between carbon and hydrogen in the molecule.