The column of Trajan features what type of art?

narrative relief
history painting
realistic portraiture *
all of the above

So is it narrative relief?

The column of Trajan features narrative relief, which is a type of art that tells a story or depicts a sequence of events. The relief sculpture on the column portrays various scenes from the Roman Emperor Trajan's military campaigns and victories. It showcases the Roman army in action, Trajan addressing his troops, and other historical events related to his reign. This type of art was commonly used during ancient Roman times to depict historical and heroic narratives.

To verify this answer, you can search for the column of Trajan online or refer to reliable sources such as books, articles, or academic resources on ancient Roman art and architecture. These sources will provide detailed information and analysis of the column's artistic style, its purpose, and the specific scenes depicted in the narrative relief.


Yes, narrative relief.