Dawn is 15 years old today. This is 5 times as old as her sister Eve was when Dawn was the age that Eve is today. How old is Eve today? Please help

15 = 5(9-6)

6 years ago, Eve was 3. So, she is 9 today.

Eve was 3, when Dawn was Eve's current age

there is NOT enough information to determine Eve's age
... she is older than 3 and younger than 15

upon further reflection...

the time between 3 and Eve's age, is the same as the time between Eve's age and Dawn's age

E - 3 = 15 - E

To determine Eve's age today, we need to analyze the information given in the problem. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Dawn is 15 years old today: We are given Dawn's age, which is 15 years old.

2. Dawn's age was the same as Eve's age at another point in time: The problem states that there was a time when Dawn was the same age as Eve is today. This implies that Eve is younger than Dawn.

3. Dawn's age at that time is the same as Eve's current age: So, the age that Eve is now is the same as Dawn's age back then. Let's call this value "X", representing Eve's age today.

4. Dawn's age back then is 5 times Eve's age at that time: This means that 5 multiplied by Eve's age at that time equals Dawn's age at that time, which we established is X.

Now, let's solve for Eve's age today:

- Dawn's age back then was X.
- Eve's age at that time was X/5 since Dawn's age was 5 times Eve's age.
- Eve's current age is X (from point 3 above).

To find X, we set up the equation:

X = X/5

Now, let's solve for X:

Multiply both sides of the equation by 5 to eliminate the fraction:

5X = X

Subtract X from both sides:

5X - X = 0

Combine like terms:

4X = 0

Divide both sides by 4:

X = 0/4

Therefore, we find that Eve's age today is 0 years old.

Please note that this result may seem unusual or unrealistic, so it's worth double-checking the problem statement and ensuring all the information provided is accurate.